Friday, April 27, 2012


The first release by WEI ZHONGLE is finally here - and it is well worth the wait! The album was recorded live by David Allen at the Skihouse Annex on Feb. 19th, 2012 and was mixed, overdubbed, and edited in the following weeks by Rob Jacobs. The amount of time and careful attention that went into this album is definitely apparent - the final product is truly beautiful beyond words.

The album is now available for download on bandcamp and will hopefully be released in a physical format soon! Stay tuned for more information about the physical release (maybe with a corresponding release show?!) and an upcoming summer tour ~~~

The dissonant whirlwind that is Wei Zhongle feels like a tribal chore conjuring images of cyclical ceremonies from ancient cultures in a contemporary fashion. In entirety, the album feels inspired, full of joy for life in its most critical stages. The vocal melodies run wild over vast soundscapes comprised of traditional instruments rather than long synth arrangements, and when it is time for a played lead, the exchange is smooth and lively.

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